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Hi erman,

This was really a good site i came across internet.Appreciate all your efforts.

I had a question ofcourse sounds simple but not getting a good clarification and dont find on internet as well.

why do we need to have same password for apps and applsys
also why do we need to update the apps password in datasource

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Re: r12.2

APPLSYS and APPS accounts are used during signon process.
Signon is a very important and a critical process.
It must be secured and Oracle made it to be secured by building a mechanism to store and get the password of APPS in a secure way.
Now think about APPLSYS, its password should also be get securely during the signon.
If there would be a different password for APPLSYS, then there should be a seperated mechanism for getting it securely. It means more code + this would make the password changes of EBS and the general maintanence of these APPS and APPLSYS accounts more complex. In addition, the role of these schemas are almost identical. I mean, they are seperated accounts and they store seperated db objects but they work closely.
So, I believe, that's why APPS and APPLSYS accounts must have the same passwords. This is a matter of design, bytheway.

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Re: r12.2

And what is the reason for same password for nidemanager and weblogic
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Re: r12.2

This is a different question. Create a different issue for this one.