5727 posts
the default value of that parameter is "SKIP" -- unless the CONTENT=DATA_ONLY is specified. If CONTENT= DATA_ONLY then the default is APPEND, not SKIP.
But in your case, it should be SKIP.
You are also doing some remap operations for that table.
There may be some contention due to that.. Please chek that. Check the logic of that. (Remember the cause : Cause: An object was already in existence that uses a name in common with this table. The name collision could be the table name, a constraint, a LOB storage table, or something else in the table definition.
Action: Drop the existing object before running Data Pump.)
Otherwise you got the following MOST Note to follow -> DataPump Table Import Fails with ORA-39325: TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION cannot be applied (Doc ID 2459545.1)