We don't see the failing operations . (the operations/DML or DDL operation failing due to ORA-04021)
It would be better if we could see them.
The failing operations should be there in the OGG log.. Please check and update me.
As for the ORA-26787, the row to be updated or deleted may not be there.. If it is the situation, you should apply a manual datafix. If the data is already there, those ORA-26797 errors may be caused by a Goldengate and/or database bug.
Check ->
OGG Integrated Replicat (IR) errors with ORA-26787 or applies bad numeric data when DBOPTIONS INTEGRATEDPARAMS (parallelism n) is greater than 1 (Doc ID 2195583.1) -- there is also a workaround given in this document ..
Replicat abends with ORA-26787: The Row With Key Does Not Exist In Table, but inserts exists in trail file (Doc ID 2180704.1) -- there is also a workaround given in this document ..