rpm remove on exadata

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rpm remove on exadata

Hi Ermana,

we have missing libraries on our exadata,because of that we want to remove glibc rpm and after that we will reinstall glibc.
Please let me know if I remove our glibc rpm on exadata machine and after that we install glibc rpm, do we encounter any problems?

x6 exadata btw
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Re: rpm remove on exadata

glibc is critical.
If you remove it directly, you will end up with a non-working Exa env.

Ref Oracle:

glibc is a core operating system library, and should never be erased from the system. If this does occur, it may be simpler to rebuild and restore data from backup, particularly if other rpms were also removed.

Why do you want such a thing??
Why don't you upgrade your Exadata image version? (if you want to upgrade your core Os packages)