Hi Erman,
Environment details:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)
Oracle Database 12c
1. The ctlfile attached loads data from '/archicom/data/toprocess/outputDATA*.dat'
MOB_DATA.ctl2. outputDATA*.dat is created by concatenating all outputDATA*.dat to one outputDATA_${d}_${n}.dat which is used in the ctl file(please find script below)
convertDATA.sh3. Finally, the script below will run the MOB_DATA.ctl file using sqlloader and respective log and bad files will be created.
MOB_DATA.shI want to modify the script so that instead of concatenating all outputDATA*.dat to one outputDATA_${d}_${n}.dat file, individual dat files will be loaded using script in (1) and (3) and respective log files created.
Can you please advise a way I can proceed? If I insert a for loop in the ctl file, how will individual log files be created?