weblogic threads

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weblogic threads

Dear Erman,

This is asked after "http://erman-arslan-s-oracle-forum.2340467.n4.nabble.com/Thread-Count-td8194.html"

1)Is there any relation between threads and connections in the connection pool?
ex:I have a datasource with connection pool of 200 connections.

2)Will each thread handle single connection or can it handle multiple connections at once?how can we check that

Thank you
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Re: weblogic threads

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If your applications runs concurrently, the maximum capacity of the datasource should match the thread-count.. This way, none of your application threads will wait for an usable connection and none of them will wait for other threads return their connections.
Ofcourse , the value of maximum thread constraint should also match this value. Maximum thread constratint sets a maximum number of possible concurrent application threads/executions.

Note that, if you have lots of concurrent threads then you may end up with out of memory errors.