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Dear Erman sir,
We are upgrading FORM & Report server in ebs r12.1.3 environement. Following below note for upgrading. Upgrading OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 437878.1) Before starting upgrade, few questions need to ask. a) Forms & report server upgrade are only affect forms & report server , if our EBS database are integrated to other third party applications, shall this upgrade will affect it or no relation with other applications? b) we have multi language environment, base language English and second is Arabic. following this metalink note , all the patches are generic no Arabic patches. As per the note after applying all the patches we have to relink forms and report. $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib $ make -f ins_forms.mk install cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib $ make -f ins_reports.mk install all the forms and reports are relink again , is this relink work custom forms and reports too, please clear. hope you understand all the points what I have raised and please reply me to clear all my doubts. Regards, |
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Forms & Reports related things will be affected and the external apps that you integrated (if you have any integration like that) with the forms and reports related EBS task will be affected. This is what that a) says.
For b), if the patches are generic then there is nothing to do. Go with the generic patches. What do you mean by saying " is this relink work custom forms and reports too?" These relinks are related with the binaries.. They are not related with a compilation of an fmb or rdf file.. So I guess you re confused .. So these relinks are relinking the reports and forms binaries themselves... |
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Thanks for reply , I have third party applications integrated with our EBS database through dblink. so form and reports upgrade are affect this integration , this is my actual question and I am confused here. Hope you understand my concern. Regards, |
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This post was updated on Dec 07, 2021; 8:07am.
DB link based integration hmm.. okay.. It is related with data.. Probably, you start from EBS and then go to other non-EBS databases using db links and update some data there and so on.. (or vice versa)
So I don't think it is related with Forms & Reports tech patching Raiq. |
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I have successfully upgrade the form and report server in ebs 12.1 , now things are well and forms and report are working fine. thanks for your guidance. Now second target is to update Java 6 to jdk 7 latest version. following the document below. Using JDK 7.0 Latest Update with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1 (Document 1467892.1) I have one confusion in Step2.2 after download the latest JDK patch 32726638 (oracle JDK 7 Update 311) unzip this patch and it has 2 files. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130653091 Dec 6 10:13 jdk-7u311-linux-i586.rpm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 147485730 Dec 6 10:13 jdk-7u311-linux-i586.tar.gz Should we need to install the rpm using root user in apps server or we move to second file tar.gz and after untar that file and it has generated jdk1.7.0_311 folder , place this folder to respective directories as per mention in the note. Kindly guide me for the rpm used and second file. Regards, Raiq. |
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It doesn't matter. Rpm installation is the easier way.
If your OS is compatible with the usage of rpm (for instance if it is a Redhat or an Oracle Linux), then you can use that.. However; see the later sections.. I mean you will make EBS use that newly installed JDK by copying the installation directory to a specific location, so just untarring and gunziping the tar.gz could also be used.. Refer the following link for the installation instructions: JDK 7 Installation for Linux Platforms https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/linux/linux-jdk.html |
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Dear sir,
I got it and my target is to upgrade java in ebs r12 environement, instead of using rpm file , we can used tar.gz file and untar it in any folder and place it on target folder that has mentioned in the note. I have confused that I will starts a java upgrade first installing the rpm thought root and then second step to untar the file and place it to the target folder, so we can safely ignore the rpm file to install and will move forward to use the tar.gz file. Thanks. Raiq |
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use rpm or untar Raiq. tar.gz is already the jdk/jre itself
Follow the documentation. You will use that newly installed/untarred jdk in the following sections.. |
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Dear Erman,
I have upgraded jdk7 , just need to understand section 3.8 in that note. Step 3.8: Re-generate Oracle E-Business Suite Forms and Reports Run ADAdmin and select the Forms and Reports regeneration. As below options, I have selected Yes to regenerated all the forms, is it fine.? Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files [Yes] ? Yes Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms menu files [Yes] ? Yes Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms executable files [Yes] ? yes Enter list of products ('all' for all products) [all] : all Generate specific forms objects for each selected product [No] ? No The current set of installed languages is: US Please select languages for generating Oracle Forms files. You may select all of the above languages, or just a subset. Enter list of languages ('all' for all of the above) [all] : all once it has completed, below forms are not regenerated successfully, kindly advice how to fix it. The following Oracle Forms objects did not generate successfully: fnd forms/US FNDCPDCQ.fmx fnd forms/US FNDCPMCP.fmx fnd forms/US FNDRSSET.fmx fnd forms/US FNDRSRUN.fmx fnd forms/US FNDSCMOU.fmx inv forms/US INVIDITM.fmx eng forms/US ENGFDECN.fmx An error occurred while generating Oracle Forms objects. Continue as if it were successful [No] : regards, Raiq |
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Were you able to compile these forms before?
Can you compile them manually using frmcmp_batch? -- you should see the compilation commands in the log..(review the adadmin log file and the adworker log file(s). The adworker log files are also located under $APPL_TOP/admin/<INSTANCE_NAME>/log directory. ) What are the errors you are getting while compiling them? You have a compilation problem in 3 different products so you need to take them one by one.. The forms that belong to the same product may have a common cause/problem, but probably, the causes will differ from product to product. |
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Dear sir,
just needs to confirm that before a compile any form, for example FNDCPDCQ.fmx shoud I have move the form and the new form will create in fnd_top/forms/us cd $FND_TOP/forms/US mv FNDCPDCQ.fmx FNDCPDCQ.fmx.bkp after that $AU_TOP/forms/US , run the command frmcpm_batch is it a correct way to recreate any form, old form are moved , now now form will generate. kindly advice. Regards, |
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Taking a backup is a good idea.. The method is almost the same as the custom forms..
You should see the correct frmcmp_batch command in the log, as I already mentioned earlier. Also see -> Developing and Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1577661.1) - Section 1.6.2: Forms |
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I have tried to manually recompile al the forms but same error exist, sending you few log files . kindly check and advice. please check the attachment. Regards, RaiqFNDCPDCQ.txtFNDCPMCP.txt |
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You have the following errors...
Compiling PRE-DELETE trigger on QUEUES data block... Compilation error on PRE-DELETE trigger on QUEUES data block: PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 16, column 16 identifier 'FND_CONC_QUEUE_ENVIRON' must be declared PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 16, column 4 SQL Statement ignored PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 24, column 16 identifier 'FND_CONC_QUEUE_ENVIRON' must be declared PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 24, column 4 SQL Statement ignored Compiling package body CONC_PROG_PKG... Compilation error on package body CONC_PROG_PKG: PL/SQL ERROR 306 at line 7, column 3 wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'INSERT_ROW' PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 7, column 3 Statement ignored PL/SQL ERROR 306 at line 125, column 7 wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'LOCK_ROW' PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 125, column 7 Statement ignored PL/SQL ERROR 306 at line 190, column 3 wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UPDATE_ROW' PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 190, column 3 Statement ignored Compiling package body CONC_PROG_ONSITE_INFO... Compilation error on package body CONC_PROG_ONSITE_INFO: PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 95, column 31 identifier 'FND_ADG_UTILITY.GET_MAX_STANDBY_SYSTEMS' must be declared PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 95, column 7 Statement ignored PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 98, column 19 identifier 'FND_ADG_UTILITY.GET_MAX_STANDBY_SYSTEMS' must be declared PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 98, column 7 Statement ignored PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 121, column 15 identifier 'FND_ADG_UTILITY.C_CONNECT_TO_SIMULATED_STANDBY' must be declared PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 120, column 7 Statement ignored |
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We don't know the story of your env..But! one thing I can say is that; the error related with FND_CONC_QUEUE_ENVIRON is weird.. FND_CONC_QUEUE_ENVIRON is a table, so it must be there..
Check your database for the availability of FND_CONC_QUEUE_ENVIRON.. Maybe, there are some grants missing there.. Getting errors for CONC_PROG_PKG is also weird. It makes me think that there may be some problems with patching..(problems due to earlier patching activities-- adpatch activities) So, also ensure that your previous patching activities were done successfully (no errors produced in the patching activities that you done earlier).. |
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Hi sir,
as per the note Using JDK 7.0 Latest Update with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1 (Document 1467892.1) I have skipped step 3.1, not applied the patches. Step 3.1: Download and Apply Patch 12848228 and 5659594 Note: If you have upgraded the JDK used in OracleAS 10.1.2 JDK 1.6 previously, you can skip Step 3.1 and Step 3.2 in this section which you've already performed during the previous 10.1.2 JDK 1.6 upgrade.. Step 3.6: Download and Apply Patches (Linux x86, Linux x86-64, and AIX) applied all the patches in the list, no error are reported. Could you please confirm that step 3.1 two patches are necessary to apply or can skip but in the note they have mentioned that we can skip both patches. I am not sure this is reason for the forms are not compile properly. Kindly advice. Regards, |
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The patches in step 3.1 are Oracle Home patches. This problem can be caused by Apps patches..
Sp "review the logs of the patches" that you applied recently using adpatch.. Review the things that you have done in this environment.. The things including patcing with adpatch.. |
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Yes sir, I got it , you are mentioning about the patches related to application.
Step 2.1: Prerequisite Patches All 12.1 Patch 16545472:R12.OAM.B N/A All 12.1 Patch 17309237:R12.TXK.B Check patch readme Oracle iProcurement 12.1 Patch 16496713:R12.POS.B N/A there are 3 patches which we have applied earlier, I will check the logs and any prerequisite for this patches and update you the result. Thanks. Raiq |
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Hi erman sir,
I have some issues now in second language patches , once I have upgraded JDK7 in ebs 12.1.3 environement. After clone , done a upgrade again but this time 10 forms are not compiled and all related to AR (Arablic Language) forms. Make sure I have Base Language US and second language AR. Raised a SR in Oracle for below 10 forms. fnd forms/AR FNDCPMCP.fmx fnd forms/AR FNDRSSET.fmx inv forms/AR INVRSVF1.fmx inv forms/AR INVSDOIO.fmx inv forms/AR INVTOTRX.fmx wsh forms/AR WSHFUTRK.fmx wsh forms/AR WSHSTREF.fmx wsh forms/AR WSHQSSUI.fmx wsh forms/AR WSHFSTRX.fmx fv forms/AR FVXBEDBD.fmx As per oracle support advised, I have to applied a New NLS Transaction Patch to synchronized the file version for Base language and NLS Transaction language. Note 252422.1 - Requesting Translation Synchronization I have requested the patch and new received 1 patch belong to AR and patch size is 342 mb , once extract the patch , it has more than 2 gb patch As per oracle support, It will synchronize active language with same patch level as American Base Patch already have. Kindly advise. Regards, Raiq |
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I couldn't understand what you are asking here Raiq?
So you requested a Translation sync patch by following the appropriate action plan and now you got the Translation Sync patch, and planning to apply it. That -> we understand! okay. But, I couldn' t understand what you are asking by the following; I have requested the patch and new received 1 patch belong to AR and patch size is 342 mb , once extract the patch , it has more than 2 gb patch As per oracle support, It will synchronize active language with same patch level as American Base Patch already have. ?? Please revise |
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