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Discoverer 10g

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Discoverer 10g

22 posts
This post was updated on Aug 30, 2023; 6:19pm.
Hello Erman,

I am facing an issue with discoverer 10g. This version is no more supported by Oracle, that's why I am looking for help every where.

So our application migrated from supercluster to OCI.
The application is ok in the source system hoever it's doesn't work correctly in the target system.

ipm.log is showing the following error:

23/08/30 09:40:02 [4] Starting Process: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:0)
23/08/30 09:40:03 [4] Process Alive: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166)
23/08/30 09:44:12 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:45:25 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:49:15 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:50:25 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:54:15 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:55:26 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:58:29 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 09:59:48 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 10:00:38 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 10:01:28 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166) [The connection SSL receive timed out]
23/08/30 10:01:28 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Unreachable: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166)
23/08/30 10:01:30 [4] Stopping Process: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:6166)
23/08/30 10:01:46 [4] Starting Process: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:0)
23/08/30 10:01:46 [4] Process Alive: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (539731960:7226)

In the error_log.1693396800 of /DPRD10/appli/discobi/Apache/Apache/logs, we have the following error message:

[Wed Aug 30 19:40:35 2023] [warn] [client] [ecid: 84791807042,1] M
OD_OC4J_0184: Failed to find an oc4j process for destination: OC4J_BI_Forms
[Wed Aug 30 19:40:35 2023] [error] [client] [ecid: 84791807042,1]
MOD_OC4J_0145: There is no oc4j process (for destination: OC4J_BI_Forms) availab
le to service request.
[Wed Aug 30 19:40:35 2023] [error] [client] [ecid: 84791807042,1]
MOD_OC4J_0119: Failed to get an oc4j process for destination: OC4J_BI_Forms
[Wed Aug 30 19:40:35 2023] [error] [client] [ecid: 84791807042,1]
MOD_OC4J_0013: Failed to call destination: OC4J_BI_Forms's service() to service
the request.
[Wed Aug 30 19:45:30 2023] [error] [client] [ecid: 110561867369,1]
 File does not exist: /DPRD10/appli/discobi/Apache/Apache/htdocs/favicon.ico

If you need more information, please let me know.

We have only one server with it's repository. It can communicate with Oracle Application 11i database.
This one is used only for archive.

Any advice please.

Best Regards,
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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
This is a generic one.
Please answer the following questions:

1)What is not working? Discoverer or EBS?
2)Which webcache is that? What IAS does it belong to?
3)Are you using Discoverer with Webcache?
4)Is it Discoverer plus, viewer or Desktop?
5)Do Discoverer services start successfully?
6)What error do you get when you try to reach to the Discoverer services?
7)You got "Failed to get an oc4j process for destination: OC4J_BI_Forms".. What kinds of Oracle Services/process does that opmn manage?

Note: At the last log record, it already says :" Process Alive: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1"..
Note: Increasing the log level may help for the diagnostics -> Increasing the OPMN Log Level in Versions 9.0.2 to 10.1.2 (Doc ID 217128.1)

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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
Hi Erman,

Thank you for your help.

1) EBS is working well. However, when we try to connect to discoverer URL, it's very slow and sometimes it gives me the welcome page to put my credentials and datasource and after that it crashs. But it steel working. long time after it gives me worksheet list page and sometimes crash.


2) & 3)

DB user:
opmnctl status'

Processes in Instance: DISCO10G.server_name
ias-component      | process-type       |     pid | status
LogLoader          | logloaderd         |     N/A | Down
dcm-daemon         | dcm-daemon         |    7465 | Alive
OC4J               | OC4J_SECURITY      |    7486 | Alive
HTTP_Server        | HTTP_Server        |    7434 | Alive
OID                | OID                |    7399 | Alive
DSA                | DSA                |     N/A | Down

Application user:

Processes in Instance: BI10G.server_name
ias-component      | process-type       |     pid | status
LogLoader          | logloaderd         |     N/A | Down
dcm-daemon         | dcm-daemon         |    7648 | Alive
OC4J               | home               |    7756 | Alive
OC4J               | OC4J_BI_Forms      |    7754 | Alive
OC4J               | OC4J_Portal        |    7758 | Alive
WebCache           | WebCache           |    7743 | Alive
WebCache           | WebCacheAdmin      |    7744 | Alive
HTTP_Server        | HTTP_Server        |    7745 | Alive
Discoverer         | ServicesStatus     |    7746 | Alive
Discoverer         | PreferenceServer   |    7748 | Alive
wireless           | performance_server |    7775 | Alive
wireless           | messaging_server   |    7776 | Alive
wireless           | OC4J_Wireless      |    7777 | Alive
DSA                | DSA                |     N/A | Down

4) It's discoverer viewer:

5) the status given in the 2) & 3) is the one I have when I start the application; for me they are ok.

6) errors are given in the error_log of apache and other log files (webcahe and opmn).

7) I don't know ... there are 2 proceses OC4J and OC4J admin I think

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
Okay. It seems our only handle is the webcache event log, and there we see a pattern in which webcache is started and then it complains about some wallet and then it gets stopped.
It seems there is SSL/TLS here.. A misconfiguration on that part may lead to this.
That's why my first try would be going through that wallet problem..
Here is a similar case documented in MOS. .(a very similar error message with the related component).. Please check that and see if it is applicable in your case ->

After Web Cache Upgrade from 10g to 11g OPMN does not Ping Web Cache Server (Doc ID 1533210.1)

Collected info:

Same restart pattern with the exact same warning ->
[webcache] [NOTIFICATION:1] [WXE-09703] [main] [ecid: ] Stop Issued. The program will shut down after all accepted requests are served, or a timeout occurs.

Wallet problem leads to this -> "Operating without wallet for backend. Only Diffie-Hellman anonymous connections supported to origin servers."  (Note: The Diffie-Hellman (DH) key agreement method is an alternative to the traditional way of negotiating encryption keys during the SSL handshaking process that uses RSA.)
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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
In reply to this post by Samia
Hi Erman,

Here it is the new ipm.log aftre increasing log level in opmn.xml to 6.


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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts

Hi Erman

How can ? There was no SSL in the old system.

1533210.1 : WATCHDOG is already set to yes.

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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
It is basically restarting...

1)Give me your OS Details.

2)The only error recorded in the log is ;

23/08/31 16:42:56 [4] [libopmnwc] Process Ping Failed: WebCache~WebCache~WebCache~1 (629582002:12009) [The connection SSL receive timed out]

**What is in the webcache event log now?
****Increase the webcache event log's level to debug, reproduce the issue and lets see what will be recorded there.

3)Ensure there are no cron jobs which are configured to trigger a restart, which would result in the same symptoms
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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
Hi Erman,

Thank you for your reply.

1) uname -a gives following:
SunOS udkdip02 5.10 Generic_Virtual sun4v sparc sun4v

(The server was emulated to OCI)

2) I changed log level in the webcache.xml like this :


Here it is the evet_log file:


Thank you in advance for your help.

3) There is no crontab scheduled (I checked this with system ingenier ) only some system checks and inventory request.
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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
Okay we have some concerns for wallet and we have "Stop Issued. The program will shut down after all accepted requests are served, or a timeout occurs"

This means someone or opmn restarts this thing.. As you said there is no cron task that is written to do that, the only thing we have the opmn..

All these points us to the "After Web Cache Upgrade from 10g to 11g OPMN does not Ping Web Cache Server (Doc ID 1533210.1)"

Wallet errors and those restarts... Probably opmn can not ping webcache and that s why restarts the webcache.

Follow the solution given there.. implement both of the steps!!! :


As said : "If there is only a WebCache SSL port enabled, this will result in SSL handshake errors recorded in the opmn.log and WebCache restarts to falsely occur.   This is probably due to CARoot need to be imported to opmn wallet."

2. Change WebCache and OPMN to use the same wallet.. This way OPMN will successfully ping WebCache via SSL port.

Note: the action to be done is edit or configure WebCache to use the OPMN wallet.
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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
Hi Erman,

I used Firefox portable version 115 and I could Connect to the application easily !!
Thé question why with previous infrastructure We could connect to the application in Google chrome ?

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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
I couldn't understand your question.

You used firefox and connected to what? Which application? Application running on previous arch or on the new problematic one?  If you are able to connect to the new one, then what is that log? Did you send me wrong logs?
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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
Hi Erman,

I am sorry I explain Very bar ☹️
We migrated disco10g from solaris on supercluster to solaris OCI (via emulator).
We can connect to disco10g on solaris supercluster with Google chrome.
However we have thé problem to Connect to disco10g with chrome. Thé even-log I sent is for the migrated disco10g in OCI.
As an idea was to connect to new disco10g via Firefox and it worked.
Mysterious situation.

I hope I could explain what’s happening.

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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
Weird.. Your webcache keeps restarting ( according to the log).. But maybe that webache is irrelevant, maybe it is nothing to do with our discoverer.. I already asked it to you, but you couldn't answer that.. (I asked did you implemented with Oracle Web Cache..?)
Anyways..  No worries.
Enable debug/monitoring on Chrome, reproduce the issue and check Chrome's event log.
What does Chrome say about it?
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Re: Discoverer 10g

22 posts
Hi Erman,

Sorry for delay for personal reason 🙂.
The issue seems to be solved by using portable firefox and opening some missing ports ! (Not done in the begining of the project).

Thank you very much for your help

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Re: Discoverer 10g

5727 posts
Okay Samia. Good.